My life growing up always felt extraordinary. Moving between realms without guidance was not always easy until I found the help of plants at 30 years old. Many things not understood or accepted by a materialist culture began to make sense under the tutelage of Ayahuasca and other master plant dietas.

After over a decade working with these plants I’ve come to appreciate the nuances and challenges involved. During that time I’ve sat in many different circles, apprenticed, led ceremonies, ran retreats, dieted plants/trees and guided many souls through the darkest of nights. It’s a work I love deeply and have the highest respect for. Not a job but a way of life, my journey with the plants is an ongoing form of study as I learn to listen more deeply to their wisdom.

I have had the honour of dieting and learning from many teachers including Tina Kat Courtney, the Huni Kuin tribe and Manuela Mahua of the Shipibo-Konibo tradition.

Of the many plants dieted my current path with the Noya Rao tree is the focus of my work. A highly respected tree it demands the highest levels of honesty and integrity. This is the work of a lifetime.

Becoming trauma informed during my time as a facilitator has also allowed me to create containers of greater safety, compassion and consideration. By listening to the signals of our body and honouring our nervous systems we can open up the doors for deep and long lasting healing. Sharing this wisdom and integrating it into the plant medicine space has yielded incredible results.

I see it as both a great honour and responsibility to be a bridge and guide between human and plant consciousness. In service to you, I wish to bring us the highest wisdom and clarity for our journeys into the plant realms. If you need a partner preparing for or integrating the mysteries of plant consciousness via ceremony and/or Master Plant Dietas, I would love to work with you.


Areas of Expertise

Ayahuasca / Plant Medicine Preparation

Plant Medicine / Psychedelic Integration

Master Plant Dietas

Shamanic Life Coaching

Tarot Card Readings


60 min Coaching Session - $150

Package of 4 Sessions - $500

45 min Tarot Card Reading - $125

1 Month Master Plant Dieta w/ 5 Sessions -$800



 Book a Session


Tina “Kat” Courtney


Lindsay Calliandra Rose