Neil Kirwan

Neil has many years of experience behind and in front of the altar, apprenticing with Ayahuasca in the Shipibo-Conibo and Huni Kuin traditions. He has completed multiple Master Plant Dietas, including work with the potent, transformative Noya Rao tree. Neil is a trauma-informed, highly compassionate shamanic coach and guide, with an expertise in helping folks prepare for and integrate challenging Plant Medicine ceremonies, as well as leading Master Plant Dietas with dreamy, psychically connected Mugwort.

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Lindsay Calliandra Rose

Lindsay is the epitome of a Plant Whisperer and Earth ally. She’s a highly accomplished gardener with ten very green fingers, so she loves to connect with plant consciousness from the moment they sprout roots. Lindsay has sat in dozens of Plant Medicine ceremonies and has trained to hold Master Plant Diets as well, having completed huge dietas with plants like Bobinsana, Cacao, Blue Water Lily, Juniper, and many more. She’s extremely well versed in herbalism and believes nature always has the healing answer we are seeking. She absolutely adores helping people prepare for and integrate Ayahuasca, Huachuma, and other entheogenic ceremonies, and she’s a compassionate yet protective guide for Master Plant Diets too.

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Natalhie Ruiz

Natalhie Ruiz is an integration coach and plant medicine guide, born in Denver, Colorado, and of Peruvian indigenous descent. Her ancestry carries a lineage of curanderas from the Wari/Quechua people of the Peruvian Andes. She has a strong personal relationship with sacred plant medicines. Her knowledge and expertise in plant medicine have grown over the last five years, and she has had the honor of studying under the Cocamilla tradition in Peru. She has a deep relationship with grandmother Ayahuasca, Rapéh/Mapacho, and Psilocybin. She has sat in an isolated dieta in the jungle and a few dieta sauves with Cacao, Bobinsana, Ajo Sacha, and Damiana. She specializes in all psychotropic plant medicine preparation and integration.

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Faegann Harlow

Thanks to a rich relationship with Mama Aya, and by the guidance of the plants, Faegann bridges body-based therapies in their integrative role of mind-body reciprocity. Through curiosity and embodied practices, Faegann finds space in each being to anchor the insights received from our allies, increasing our capacity in receiving, healing, transmuting, creating.... being. Integration at a somatic level serves as an act of assimilation; honoring our role with our relations; nature, self and beyond. With 20+ years in the somatic field of touch, movement and psychology, and 10+ years in plant spaces, Faegann humbly holds Noya Rao, Mugwort and Thyme dietas, as trusted allies in her heart-centered and nurturing therapeutic approach. Trauma-informed through physiological and psychological lenses, Faegann invite science and spirit into a space. The symbiotic nature of our body, psyche and universe want to reveal the mysteries of our own personal magic & medicine. Faegann serves to support and encourage your innate self, whole and perfect.

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Richard "m0bius" Doyle, PhD

Richard Doyle, Ph.D., aka m0bius, is an Edwin Erle Sparks Professor in the College of the Liberal Arts at Penn State University, where he has taught since 1994. He has authored numerous books and open source texts about the wonders of plant medicines and consciousness, including the 2011 release Darwin’s Pharmacy. m0bius has a special fondness and expertise for Ayahuasca, Cannabis, + Mushrooms, and he is especially gifted at assisting those passionate about understanding our dual nature, and our non-dual destinies. m0bius has also been the recipient of numerous awards, including grants from the National Science Foundation and the Penn State Alumni Association.

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