Plant Medicine Mystery School
Level 2 Group 8


AT 8 AM PT / 11 AM

Course Summary

The second level of the Plant Medicine Mystery School goes deeper into the concepts introduced in Level 1, as well as presents new topics in the mystical realm of plant medicine. The format is the same as Level 1, involving 8 weeks of live online classes and tribal gatherings. Topics include befriending the energy of fear, death and the afterlife, holding space for others, intensive shadow work, embodiment and integration, and shamanic ideologies, among many others.

SPECIAL NOTE: If you haven’t taken Level 1 but resonate with the course material, email us here and we are happy to make an exception!

PRICE $699
INSTRUCTOR: Kat Courtney

Course Details

  • This Level 2 course will consist of 8 weekly 90 minute sessions where course material is present with Q&A, and 8 week 60 minute Tribal Gatherings for informal discussions and sharing circles, and 1 graduation celebration - an online virtual Cacao ceremony

  • Classes will take place each Thursday at 8 am PT / 11 am ET and Tribal Gatherings will happen Mondays at the same time

  • A Maximum of 20 participants will participate so a very intimate connection is possible for all

  • All classes and gatherings are recorded for those who can’t attend live

  • BONUS - After the 8 weeks of the course are completed, the Tribe celebrates their accomplishments with a sacred Virtual Cacao Ceremony, full of heart-centered sharing, music and song

  • All classes are recorded so you can attend live or go at your own pace

  • All participants will be eligible to attend the Level 3 course

Class Schedule

  • 12/6 - Class 1: Getting to Know Each Other

  • 12/9 - Tribal Gathering #1

  • 12/12 - Class 2: Shamanic Lineages

  • 12/16 - Tribal Gathering #2

  • 12/19 - Class 3: Trappings and Pitfalls on the Path (w/ Solutions!)

  • 12/23 - Tribal Gathering #3

  • 12/26 - Class 4: Egos and Plant Medicines: Creating an Alliance

  • 12/30 - Tribal Gathering #4

  • 1/2 - Class 5: Shadow Work and the Nature of Evil

  • 1/6 - Tribal Gathering #5

  • 1/9 - Class 6: Death and the Afterlife

  • 1/13 - Tribal Gathering #6

  • 1/16 - Class 7: Integration and Embodiment

  • 1/20 - Tribal Gathering #7

  • 1/23 - Class 8: The Art of Holding Space for Others

  • 1/27 - Final Tribal Gathering

  • 2/13 - Cacao Ceremony

A Sampling of Topics and Talking Points

This course will once again cover a huge variety of shamanic ideologies, plus Kat welcomes any and all questions about related subjects. She will customize classes to meet the intentions and requests of all tribe members. Here is a selection of highlighted teachings:

  • Shamanic Ideologies - How the shamanic world-view differs from our Western perspective, especially regarding mental health (mental illness versus injury)

  • Trappings and Pitfalls - How to navigate the most challenging aspects of the shamanic path; everything from dynamic legal challenges, relationship with communities, developing discernment, and the inherent issues with the rapid growth (and many more)

  • Mind Mastery - How to deal with our beautiful egos and master our own minds

  • Shadow Work - A deeper exploration of the process of shadow work - both dark shadows and golden shadows

  • Nature of Evil - What is the actual nature of evil? Exploring a trusting and masterful relationship with the darkness

  • Integrating a Dark Night of the Soul - The lessons of the our hardest challenges, and how to gracefully navigate these sacred and devastatingly difficult experiences

  • The Essence of Healing - How to work with personal mental, physical, and emotional blockages, traumas, and wounds

  • The Tru Definition of Holding Space - How to create judgment free safety for others and be a guardian of altered spaces

  • Death and the Afterlife - What the plants teach us about the eternal nature of our beings

  • Plus all of your unique and personal questions about what is next for you on this path

Schedule, Cost, and Registration

  • PMMS Level 2 Group 8 launches December 5th, 2024 at 8 am PT / 11 am ET. The course will continue through February 13th 2025 (date of our virtual Cacao Ceremony).

  • Cost for the entire 9 week course experience (a total of 22.5 hours of live training and support) is $699

  • Click Register below to pay in full, or choose the payment plan option.

  • Email course instructor Kat Courtney here if you have any questions!

Course Leader Kat Courtney

Kat Courtney, AKA The AfterLife Coach, author of Plant Medicine Mystery School Vol 1: The Superhero Healing Powers of Psychotropic Plants, began her entheogenic studies in the Peruvian Amazon in 2006, under the protection of the late, great Don Howard Lawler; one of the most powerful and esteemed Huachumeros who has ever walked the Earth. Kat attended dozens and dozens of Ayahuasca and Huachuma ceremonies with Howard and Don Rober Acho at SpiritQuest, and then went on to apprentice for 10 years with an incredible Ayahuasquero maestro. She is a graduate of the Gaia Institute’s Master Herbalism Apprenticeship in 2009, and is a master of plant communication. Kat has poured medicine for thousands of sincere seekers, and coached hundreds of people in the aftermath of powerful plant ceremonial work. She’s a humble servant of all plant medicines, having completed several years of Master Plant Diets to date. She is thrilled and honored to share some of the priceless knowledge imparted to her during these wildly eclectic experiences.

Kat is ready to talk plants, explore the mystery of consciousness, and help each participant find their unique and personalized next steps in the magical, love-filled realm of shamanism.


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