Lindsay Calliandra Rose

Lindsay is the epitome of a Plant Whisperer and Earth ally. She’s a highly accomplished gardener with ten very green fingers, so she loves to connect with plant consciousness from the moment they sprout roots. Lindsay has sat in dozens of Plant Medicine ceremonies and has trained to hold Master Plant Diets as well, having completed huge dietas with plants like Bobinsana, Cacao, Blue Water Lily, Juniper, and many more. She’s extremely well versed in herbalism and believes nature always has the healing answer we are seeking. She absolutely adores helping people prepare for and integrate Ayahuasca, Huachuma, and other entheogenic ceremonies, and she’s a compassionate yet protective guide for Master Plant Diets too.

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Natalhie Ruiz

Natalhie Ruiz is an integration coach and plant medicine guide, born in Denver, Colorado, and of Peruvian indigenous descent. Her ancestry carries a lineage of curanderas from the Wari/Quechua people of the Peruvian Andes. She has a strong personal relationship with sacred plant medicines. Her knowledge and expertise in plant medicine have grown over the last five years, and she has had the honor of studying under the Cocamilla tradition in Peru. She has a deep relationship with grandmother Ayahuasca, Rapéh/Mapacho, and Psilocybin. She has sat in an isolated dieta in the jungle and a few dieta sauves with Cacao, Bobinsana, Ajo Sacha, and Damiana. She specializes in all psychotropic plant medicine preparation and integration.

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